π Fishing game system
Introducing Fishing Game
Screen fishing games are virtual experience games that charge and use NFC cards.
NFC cards issued in stores can be charged through kiosks.
Start the game by touching the charged card to the NFC reader attached to the fishing device.
When customers start the game, the hook on the screen is activated.
When a fish is caught on a fishing line, the installed motor operates and shakes the rod.
When the fishing rod shakes, player lifts that.
Depending on the fish, the time to hold the fishing rod is different.
If player succeed in fishing, he or she will catch and lift fish and then the catch accumulates as KG.
Player can press the yellow button on the hook for 3 to 5 seconds to see the point collection menu.
With the point collection menu on the screen, touch the NFC card to retrieve the points to the card.
The collected points may be charged again through a point switch and transmitted to a wallet.
system configuration
Fishing device network
Animated hook motion processing
Point retrieve system
Last updated